[2020-12-02 08:38:51,638] INFO - Starting SimHub v7.3.0 (build time : 28/11/2020 16:00:33) [2020-12-02 08:38:51,654] INFO - Administrator privileges : True [2020-12-02 08:38:51,654] INFO - OS version : Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19042.0, Windows 10.0.19042 [2020-12-02 08:38:51,654] INFO - License status : Licensed [2020-12-02 08:38:51,654] INFO - Process priority : Normal [2020-12-02 08:38:52,873] ERROR - First chance exception error System.InvalidOperationException: Property 'UriSource' or property 'StreamSource' must be set. at System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage.EndInit() [2020-12-02 08:38:52,873] ERROR - First chance exception error System.Xaml.XamlObjectWriterException: Initialization of 'System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage' threw an exception. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Property 'UriSource' or property 'StreamSource' must be set. at System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage.EndInit() at MS.Internal.Xaml.Runtime.ClrObjectRuntime.InitializationGuard(XamlType xamlType, Object obj, Boolean begin) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at MS.Internal.Xaml.Runtime.ClrObjectRuntime.InitializationGuard(XamlType xamlType, Object obj, Boolean begin) [2020-12-02 08:38:53,919] INFO - (Re)Starting ETS2 Game Manager and plugin manager [2020-12-02 08:38:53,931] INFO - Creating Euro Truck Simulator 2 game manager (ETS2Reader.ETS2Manager) [2020-12-02 08:38:53,958] INFO - ETS2 game manager created [2020-12-02 08:38:53,964] INFO - Checking configuration status for ETS2 [2020-12-02 08:38:53,976] INFO - Configuration status for ETS2: GameConfigured [2020-12-02 08:38:53,977] INFO - Creating plugin manager with plugins : SerialDashPlugin, GraphicalDashPlugin [2020-12-02 08:38:54,957] INFO - Loading font list [2020-12-02 08:38:55,582] INFO - Starting Arduino in Multiple USB mode, devices configured : {"CustomProtocol":{"Expression":"format([GameRawData.Drivetrain.EngineRpm], '0') + ';' + format([GameRawData.Drivetrain.Fuel], '0') + ':' + format([GameRawData.Drivetrain.FuelMax],'0') + '!' + [GameRawData.Drivetrain.FuelWarningLight] + '$' + format([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Drivetrain.BatteryVoltage],'0') + '|' + format([GameRawData.Drivetrain.Adblue],'0') + 'A' + format([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Drivetrain.WaterTemperature],'0') + 'B' +[DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Axilliary.BatteryVoltageWarning] + 'C' +[DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Axilliary.AdblueWarning] + 'D' +[DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Axilliary.WaterTemperatureWarning];"},"deviceName":"TestUno","deviceUniqueId":"ff4224f4-5db9-41d4-b28c-9a66bd5f3f11","displayModules":1,"readButtons":true,"disabled":false,"RgbLeds":0,"Motors":0,"speedLevel":11} {"CustomProtocol":{"Expression":""},"deviceName":"ArduinoMegaElegoo","deviceUniqueId":"4c64e5dd-ca99-477c-82cd-a3c04a7384d2","displayModules":1,"readButtons":true,"disabled":true,"RgbLeds":0,"Motors":0,"speedLevel":11} [2020-12-02 08:38:55,619] INFO - Matrix custom font custommatrixfont8x8 loaded [2020-12-02 08:38:55,776] ERROR - First chance exception error System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at MS.Internal.FontCache.FontFaceLayoutInfo.IntMap.TryGetValue(Int32 key, UInt16& value) [2020-12-02 08:38:55,929] INFO - Web font-faces up to date [2020-12-02 08:38:55,931] INFO - Loading plugins controls [2020-12-02 08:38:56,178] INFO - Font list loading successful [2020-12-02 08:38:56,265] ERROR - First chance exception error NoViableAltException(';'@[1:1: Tokens : ( T__19 | T__20 | T__21 | T__22 | T__23 | T__24 | T__25 | T__26 | T__27 | T__28 | T__29 | T__30 | T__31 | T__32 | T__33 | T__34 | T__35 | T__36 | T__37 | T__38 | T__39 | T__40 | T__41 | T__42 | T__43 | T__44 | T__45 | T__46 | T__47 | T__48 | TRUE | FALSE | ID | INTEGER | FLOAT | STRING | DATETIME | NAME | E | WS );]) [2020-12-02 08:38:56,281] INFO - Game successfully loaded [2020-12-02 08:42:01,435] INFO - Found one device on COM3 named { "ConnectedModel": "j", "Features": "LGNIJPX", "TM1638ModulesCount": 0, "UniqueId": "ff4224f4-5db9-41d4-b28c-9a66bd5f3f11", "DeviceName": "TestUno", "PortName": "COM3", "HasBoost": 0, "HasSpeedo": 0, "IsBluetooth": false, "HasTacho": 0, "HasI2CLcd": true, "HasRGBMatrix": false, "ExpandedFeatures": [ "mcutype", "keepalive", "Gear" ], "MaxAheadDatagrams": 0, "DatagramMaxLength": 0, "MCUModel": "ATmega328P", "ReceivedDatagramsCount": 0 } [2020-12-02 08:42:01,435] INFO - Switching device named TestUno to speed level 11 on COM3 [2020-12-02 08:42:01,450] INFO - Switching device on port COM3 to speed level 11, 115200 bauds [2020-12-02 08:42:01,700] INFO - Forcing arduino sync [2020-12-02 08:42:01,997] INFO - Connected to device on COM3 named TestUno [2020-12-02 08:43:02,670] INFO - Arduino performance report for TestUno@COM3 : Packetsize= 16, Packetbuffer = 1, SentDatagramsCount = 1744, FailedCount = 0, ReemitedCount = 0, ReemitedDuetoWait = 0, Current ahead = 0 [2020-12-02 08:43:02,685] INFO - Starting Arduino in Multiple USB mode, devices configured : {"CustomProtocol":{"Expression":"format([GameRawData.Drivetrain.EngineRpm], '0') + ';' + format([GameRawData.Drivetrain.Fuel], '0') + ':' + format([GameRawData.Drivetrain.FuelMax],'0') + '!' + [GameRawData.Drivetrain.FuelWarningLight] + '$' + format([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Drivetrain.BatteryVoltage],'0') + '|' + format([GameRawData.Drivetrain.Adblue],'0') + 'A' + format([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Drivetrain.WaterTemperature],'0') + 'B' +[DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Axilliary.BatteryVoltageWarning] + 'C' +[DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Axilliary.AdblueWarning] + 'D' +[DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Axilliary.WaterTemperatureWarning];"},"deviceName":"TestUno","deviceUniqueId":"ff4224f4-5db9-41d4-b28c-9a66bd5f3f11","displayModules":1,"readButtons":true,"disabled":true,"RgbLeds":0,"Motors":0,"speedLevel":11} {"CustomProtocol":{"Expression":""},"deviceName":"ArduinoMegaElegoo","deviceUniqueId":"4c64e5dd-ca99-477c-82cd-a3c04a7384d2","displayModules":1,"readButtons":true,"disabled":true,"RgbLeds":0,"Motors":0,"speedLevel":11} [2020-12-02 08:43:02,685] ERROR - First chance exception error NoViableAltException(';'@[1:1: Tokens : ( T__19 | T__20 | T__21 | T__22 | T__23 | T__24 | T__25 | T__26 | T__27 | T__28 | T__29 | T__30 | T__31 | T__32 | T__33 | T__34 | T__35 | T__36 | T__37 | T__38 | T__39 | T__40 | T__41 | T__42 | T__43 | T__44 | T__45 | T__46 | T__47 | T__48 | TRUE | FALSE | ID | INTEGER | FLOAT | STRING | DATETIME | NAME | E | WS );]) [2020-12-02 08:43:02,685] ERROR - First chance exception error System.IO.IOException: Operazione di I/O terminata a causa dell'uscita dal thread oppure della richiesta di un'applicazione. at System.IO.Ports.InternalResources.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String str) [2020-12-02 08:43:13,963] INFO - Starting Arduino in Multiple USB mode, devices configured : {"CustomProtocol":{"Expression":"format([GameRawData.Drivetrain.EngineRpm], '0') + ';' + format([GameRawData.Drivetrain.Fuel], '0') + ':' + format([GameRawData.Drivetrain.FuelMax],'0') + '!' + [GameRawData.Drivetrain.FuelWarningLight] + '$' + format([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Drivetrain.BatteryVoltage],'0') + '|' + format([GameRawData.Drivetrain.Adblue],'0') + 'A' + format([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Drivetrain.WaterTemperature],'0') + 'B' +[DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Axilliary.BatteryVoltageWarning] + 'C' +[DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Axilliary.AdblueWarning] + 'D' +[DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Axilliary.WaterTemperatureWarning];"},"deviceName":"TestUno","deviceUniqueId":"ff4224f4-5db9-41d4-b28c-9a66bd5f3f11","displayModules":2,"readButtons":true,"disabled":false,"RgbLeds":0,"Motors":0,"speedLevel":11} {"CustomProtocol":{"Expression":""},"deviceName":"ArduinoMegaElegoo","deviceUniqueId":"4c64e5dd-ca99-477c-82cd-a3c04a7384d2","displayModules":1,"readButtons":true,"disabled":true,"RgbLeds":0,"Motors":0,"speedLevel":11} [2020-12-02 08:43:13,979] ERROR - First chance exception error NoViableAltException(';'@[1:1: Tokens : ( T__19 | T__20 | T__21 | T__22 | T__23 | T__24 | T__25 | T__26 | T__27 | T__28 | T__29 | T__30 | T__31 | T__32 | T__33 | T__34 | T__35 | T__36 | T__37 | T__38 | T__39 | T__40 | T__41 | T__42 | T__43 | T__44 | T__45 | T__46 | T__47 | T__48 | TRUE | FALSE | ID | INTEGER | FLOAT | STRING | DATETIME | NAME | E | WS );]) [2020-12-02 08:43:18,715] INFO - Found one device on COM3 named { "ConnectedModel": "j", "Features": "LGNIJPX", "TM1638ModulesCount": 0, "UniqueId": "ff4224f4-5db9-41d4-b28c-9a66bd5f3f11", "DeviceName": "TestUno", "PortName": "COM3", "HasBoost": 0, "HasSpeedo": 0, "IsBluetooth": false, "HasTacho": 0, "HasI2CLcd": true, "HasRGBMatrix": false, "ExpandedFeatures": [ "mcutype", "keepalive", "Gear" ], "MaxAheadDatagrams": 0, "DatagramMaxLength": 0, "MCUModel": "ATmega328P", "ReceivedDatagramsCount": 0 } [2020-12-02 08:43:18,715] INFO - Switching device named TestUno to speed level 11 on COM3 [2020-12-02 08:43:18,715] INFO - Switching device on port COM3 to speed level 11, 115200 bauds [2020-12-02 08:43:19,262] INFO - Connected to device on COM3 named TestUno [2020-12-02 08:43:19,262] INFO - Arduino performance report for TestUno@COM3 : Packetsize= 16, Packetbuffer = 1, SentDatagramsCount = 11, FailedCount = 0, ReemitedCount = 0, ReemitedDuetoWait = 0, Current ahead = 0 [2020-12-02 08:43:19,277] ERROR - First chance exception error System.IO.IOException: Operazione di I/O terminata a causa dell'uscita dal thread oppure della richiesta di un'applicazione. at System.IO.Ports.InternalResources.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String str) [2020-12-02 08:43:19,277] INFO - Starting Arduino in Multiple USB mode, devices configured : {"CustomProtocol":{"Expression":"format([GameRawData.Drivetrain.EngineRpm], '0') + ';' + format([GameRawData.Drivetrain.Fuel], '0') + ':' + format([GameRawData.Drivetrain.FuelMax],'0') + '!' + [GameRawData.Drivetrain.FuelWarningLight] + '$' + format([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Drivetrain.BatteryVoltage],'0') + '|' + format([GameRawData.Drivetrain.Adblue],'0') + 'A' + format([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Drivetrain.WaterTemperature],'0') + 'B' +[DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Axilliary.BatteryVoltageWarning] + 'C' +[DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Axilliary.AdblueWarning] + 'D' +[DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Axilliary.WaterTemperatureWarning];"},"deviceName":"TestUno","deviceUniqueId":"ff4224f4-5db9-41d4-b28c-9a66bd5f3f11","displayModules":1,"readButtons":true,"disabled":false,"RgbLeds":0,"Motors":0,"speedLevel":11} {"CustomProtocol":{"Expression":""},"deviceName":"ArduinoMegaElegoo","deviceUniqueId":"4c64e5dd-ca99-477c-82cd-a3c04a7384d2","displayModules":1,"readButtons":true,"disabled":true,"RgbLeds":0,"Motors":0,"speedLevel":11} [2020-12-02 08:43:19,277] ERROR - First chance exception error NoViableAltException(';'@[1:1: Tokens : ( T__19 | T__20 | T__21 | T__22 | T__23 | T__24 | T__25 | T__26 | T__27 | T__28 | T__29 | T__30 | T__31 | T__32 | T__33 | T__34 | T__35 | T__36 | T__37 | T__38 | T__39 | T__40 | T__41 | T__42 | T__43 | T__44 | T__45 | T__46 | T__47 | T__48 | TRUE | FALSE | ID | INTEGER | FLOAT | STRING | DATETIME | NAME | E | WS );]) [2020-12-02 08:43:25,736] INFO - Found one device on COM3 named { "ConnectedModel": "j", "Features": "LGNIJPX", "TM1638ModulesCount": 0, "UniqueId": "ff4224f4-5db9-41d4-b28c-9a66bd5f3f11", "DeviceName": "TestUno", "PortName": "COM3", "HasBoost": 0, "HasSpeedo": 0, "IsBluetooth": false, "HasTacho": 0, "HasI2CLcd": true, "HasRGBMatrix": false, "ExpandedFeatures": [ "mcutype", "keepalive", "Gear" ], "MaxAheadDatagrams": 0, "DatagramMaxLength": 0, "MCUModel": "ATmega328P", "ReceivedDatagramsCount": 0 } [2020-12-02 08:43:25,736] INFO - Switching device named TestUno to speed level 11 on COM3 [2020-12-02 08:43:25,736] INFO - Switching device on port COM3 to speed level 11, 115200 bauds [2020-12-02 08:43:26,001] INFO - Forcing arduino sync [2020-12-02 08:43:26,282] INFO - Connected to device on COM3 named TestUno