Get a SimHub license and help SimHub development !

Getting a license helps to buy new games to add, new hardware to test, and the infinite quantity of coffee needed to feed the developer. And finally it’s an encouragement to go further on SimHub.

SimHub Licensed Edition goodies

  • Drive all your arduinos, displays and shakers to up to 60FPS instead of 10FPS
  • Automatic game switching
  • Start minimized
  • No nag screens

Did you know ?

  • SimHub has been developed tirelessly by a single developer for more than 9 years.
  • It took at least 4 coffee makers and 4 desk chairs
  • SimHub now supports more than 80 games.
  • Way too many Arduinos died in the process …
Because SimHub purpose is to keep sim racing affordable and fun, you can choose yourself the license price
1 Select the amount you want to give for your SimHub licence (20% VAT included)
2 Select your payment method
3 Complete
You will be redirected to paypal to complete the payment.
(usually a few minutes).
If you haven’t received it after 24hours, do not hesitate to contact me
A few checks to make sure everything goes fine :
  • Make sure your mailbox is not full or inactive.
  • Check your spam folder in case your mail provider wrongly classified it as spam.
  • When using Paypal make sure your primary paypal email is up to date.