Game becomes discon...
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Game becomes disconnected after 10 seconds

3 Posts
1 Users
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Active Member
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 3
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Anyone had an issue where the game becomes disconnected after 10 seconds?


Iracing > different cars > different dashboards.


I've tried re-installing a few times, any help greatly appreciated.

  INFO RSC.iRacingExtraProperties - Reference lap recording stopped due to session change
  INFO Game disconnected



Active Member
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 3
Topic starter  

Log Entires
INFO Starting SimHub v8.3.7 (build time : 13/04/2023 12:38:27)
INFO Administrator privileges : True
INFO OS version : Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.22621.0, Windows 10.0.22621
INFO License status : Licensed
INFO Process priority : Normal
INFO 77 game readers loaded
INFO (Re)Starting IRacing Game Manager and plugin manager
INFO Creating IRacing game manager (IRacingReader.IRacingManager)
INFO IRacing game manager created
INFO Creating plugin manager with plugins : JoystickPlugin, GraphicalDashPlugin, DevicesPlugin, KeyboardEmulatorPlugin, Checklist, Checklist, IRacingExtraProperties, IRacingExtraProperties, PersistentOdometer, PersistentOdometer, TheManyFacedDash, LapHitoryPlugin
INFO Creating SimHub.Plugins.AudioControl.AudioPlayPlugin plugin
INFO Creating SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.SystemInfosProvider plugin
INFO Creating SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.Shell.ShellPlugin plugin
INFO Creating SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.PersistantTracker.PersistantTrackerPlugin plugin
INFO Creating SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.DataCore.DataCorePlugin plugin
INFO Creating SimHub.Plugins.Web.WebPlugin plugin
INFO Creating Romainrob.Checklist.Checklist plugin
INFO Creating Romainrob.iRacingExtraProperties.IRacingExtraProperties plugin
INFO Creating Romainrob.PersistentOdometer.PersistentOdometer plugin
INFO Creating Romainrob.TheManyFacedDash.TheManyFacedDash plugin
INFO Creating RSC.Checklist.Checklist plugin
INFO Creating RSC.iRacingExtraProperties.IRacingExtraProperties plugin
INFO Creating RSC.PersistentOdometer.PersistentOdometer plugin
INFO Creating SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.GraphicalDashPlugin plugin
INFO Creating SimHub.Plugins.InputPlugins.JoystickPlugin plugin
INFO Creating SimHub.Plugins.Devices.DevicesPlugin plugin
INFO Creating SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.PersistantTracker.LapHitoryPlugin plugin
INFO Creating SimHub.Plugins.KeyboardEmulator.KeyboardEmulatorPlugin plugin
INFO Initialising SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.DataCore.DataCorePlugin plugin
INFO Initialising SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.SystemInfosProvider plugin
INFO Initialising SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.PersistantTracker.PersistantTrackerPlugin plugin
INFO Initialising Romainrob.Checklist.Checklist plugin
INFO Starting plugin : Romainrob - Checklist Properties 1.0.2
INFO Initialising Romainrob.iRacingExtraProperties.IRacingExtraProperties plugin
INFO Starting plugin : Romainrob - iRacing Extra Properties 2.1.0
INFO Initialising Romainrob.PersistentOdometer.PersistentOdometer plugin
INFO Starting plugin : Romainrob - Persistent Odometer 1.0.1
INFO Initialising Romainrob.TheManyFacedDash.TheManyFacedDash plugin
INFO Starting plugin : Romainrob - The Many Faced-Dash 1.3.6
INFO Initialising RSC.Checklist.Checklist plugin
INFO Starting plugin : RSC - Checklist 1.0.5
INFO Initialising RSC.iRacingExtraProperties.IRacingExtraProperties plugin
INFO Starting plugin : RSC - iRacing Extra Properties 2.2.3
INFO Initialising RSC.PersistentOdometer.PersistentOdometer plugin
INFO Starting plugin : RSC - Persistent Odometer 1.0.4
INFO Initialising SimHub.Plugins.Devices.DevicesPlugin plugin
INFO Initialising SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.PersistantTracker.LapHitoryPlugin plugin
INFO Initialising SimHub.Plugins.AudioControl.AudioPlayPlugin plugin
INFO Initialising SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.Shell.ShellPlugin plugin
INFO Initialising SimHub.Plugins.InputPlugins.JoystickPlugin plugin
INFO Initialising SimHub.Plugins.KeyboardEmulator.KeyboardEmulatorPlugin plugin
INFO Initialising SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.GraphicalDashPlugin plugin
INFO Loading font list
INFO Initialising SimHub.Plugins.Web.WebPlugin plugin
INFO Web plugin suggested IP :
INFO Web plugin listening to 8888 (User friendly port)
INFO Regenerating Web font-faces
INFO Font list loading successful
INFO Font-faces definitions extracted successfully
INFO Font-faces updated successfully
INFO Plugin manager correctly initialised
INFO Loading plugins controls
INFO Game successfully loaded
INFO JoystickManager : Starting game controllers detection
INFO JoystickManager : Found HE_SIM_HANDBRAKE, FANATEC_Wheel, FANATEC_ClubSport_Pedals_V3, FANATEC_Wheel_1, T500_RS_Gear_Shift
INFO Maximizing dash to monitor \\.\DISPLAY3 : bounds: {X=3840,Y=0,Width=1024,Height=600}, pos top: 120, pos left: 4044, width: 614, height: 360
Available monitors : \\.\DISPLAY1 : {X=-3840,Y=0,Width=3840,Height=2160}, primary False
\\.\DISPLAY2 : {X=0,Y=0,Width=3840,Height=2160}, primary True
\\.\DISPLAY3 : {X=3840,Y=0,Width=1024,Height=600}, primary False
INFO Game connected
INFO RSC.iRacingExtraProperties - Reference lap file not found: nurburgring combined.Porsche 911 GT3.R.json
INFO RSC.iRacingExtraProperties - Reference lap recording started
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Functions.djson, lights-on, Visible : Expression if ([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Graphics.FlashingLights]=0 ,

if ([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Graphics.LightsStage]=1, 1, 0) , 0

) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Functions.djson, high-beam, Visible : Expression if ([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Graphics.FlashingLights]=0 ,

if ([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Graphics.LightsStage]=2, 1, 0), 0

) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Functions.djson, wiper-on, Visible : Expression [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Graphics.WiperLV]>0 has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Functions.djson, TextItem0, Visible : Expression if ([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Graphics.WiperLV]>0, 1, 0) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Functions - iR.djson, TextItem, TextColor : Expression if ( sign([IRacingExtraProperties.iRacing_Player_iRGainEstimation])=='-1', '#FFFA0000',
if ( sign([IRacingExtraProperties.iRacing_Player_iRGainEstimation])=='1', '#FF00FF02', 'White')
) has generated an error (Input string was not in a correct format.)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Functions - AMS2.djson, lights-on, Visible : Expression (JS) let mCarFlags = $prop('DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.mCarFlags');

return mCarFlags.toString(2).substr(-1) // CAR_HEADLIGHT has generated an error (TypeError: mCarFlags is null)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Functions - AMS2.djson, TextItem0, Visible : Expression if ([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Graphics.WiperLV]>0, 1, 0) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Session - AMS2.djson, Lap Based AMS2, Visible : Expression if ([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.mLapsInEvent]>0 && [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.mSessionDuration]==0, 1, 0) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Multi Function Module Left.djson, FL, Image : Expression if ([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelSlip01]>1,
if ( isincreasing(50, [DataCorePlugin.GameData.SpeedLocal]), 'slip',
if ( [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelAngularSpeed01]==0, 'lock', '')
) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Multi Function Module Left.djson, FR, Image : Expression if ([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelSlip02]>1,
if ( isincreasing(50, [DataCorePlugin.GameData.SpeedLocal]), 'slip',
if ( [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelAngularSpeed02]==0, 'lock', '')
) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Multi Function Module Left.djson, RL, Image : Expression if ([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelSlip03]>1,
if ( isincreasing(50, [DataCorePlugin.GameData.SpeedLocal]), 'slip',
if ( [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelAngularSpeed03]==0, 'lock', '')
) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Multi Function Module Left.djson, RR, Image : Expression if ([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelSlip04]>1,
if ( isincreasing(50, [DataCorePlugin.GameData.SpeedLocal]), 'slip',
if ( [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelAngularSpeed04]==0, 'lock', '')
) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Multi Function Module Left.djson, TextItem25, TextColor : Expression if ([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelSlip01]>1,
if ( isincreasing(50, [DataCorePlugin.GameData.SpeedLocal]), '#00BFFF',
if ( [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelAngularSpeed01]==0, '#FFE04C', '#FFFFFF')
) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Multi Function Module Left.djson, TextItem26, TextColor : Expression if ([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelSlip02]>1,
if ( isincreasing(50, [DataCorePlugin.GameData.SpeedLocal]), '#00BFFF',
if ( [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelAngularSpeed02]==0, '#FFE04C', '#FFFFFF')
) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Multi Function Module Left.djson, TextItem27, TextColor : Expression if ([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelSlip03]>1,
if ( isincreasing(50, [DataCorePlugin.GameData.SpeedLocal]), '#00BFFF',
if ( [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelAngularSpeed03]==0, '#FFE04C', '#FFFFFF')
) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Multi Function Module Left.djson, TextItem28, TextColor : Expression if ([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelSlip04]>1,
if ( isincreasing(50, [DataCorePlugin.GameData.SpeedLocal]), '#00BFFF',
if ( [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelAngularSpeed04]==0, '#FFE04C', '#FFFFFF')
) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Multi Function Module Left.djson, FL, Image : Expression if ([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelSlip01]>1,
if ( isincreasing(50, [DataCorePlugin.GameData.SpeedLocal]), 'slip',
if ( [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelAngularSpeed01]==0, 'lock', '')
) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Multi Function Module Left.djson, FR, Image : Expression if ([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelSlip02]>1,
if ( isincreasing(50, [DataCorePlugin.GameData.SpeedLocal]), 'slip',
if ( [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelAngularSpeed02]==0, 'lock', '')
) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Multi Function Module Left.djson, RL, Image : Expression if ([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelSlip03]>1,
if ( isincreasing(50, [DataCorePlugin.GameData.SpeedLocal]), 'slip',
if ( [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelAngularSpeed03]==0, 'lock', '')
) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Multi Function Module Left.djson, RR, Image : Expression if ([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelSlip04]>1,
if ( isincreasing(50, [DataCorePlugin.GameData.SpeedLocal]), 'slip',
if ( [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelAngularSpeed04]==0, 'lock', '')
) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Multi Function Module Left.djson, TextItem25, TextColor : Expression if ([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelSlip01]>1,
if ( isincreasing(50, [DataCorePlugin.GameData.SpeedLocal]), '#00BFFF',
if ( [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelAngularSpeed01]==0, '#FFE04C', '#FFFFFF')
) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Multi Function Module Left.djson, TextItem26, TextColor : Expression if ([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelSlip02]>1,
if ( isincreasing(50, [DataCorePlugin.GameData.SpeedLocal]), '#00BFFF',
if ( [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelAngularSpeed02]==0, '#FFE04C', '#FFFFFF')
) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Multi Function Module Left.djson, TextItem27, TextColor : Expression if ([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelSlip03]>1,
if ( isincreasing(50, [DataCorePlugin.GameData.SpeedLocal]), '#00BFFF',
if ( [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelAngularSpeed03]==0, '#FFE04C', '#FFFFFF')
) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Multi Function Module Left.djson, TextItem28, TextColor : Expression if ([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelSlip04]>1,
if ( isincreasing(50, [DataCorePlugin.GameData.SpeedLocal]), '#00BFFF',
if ( [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Physics.WheelAngularSpeed04]==0, '#FFE04C', '#FFFFFF')
) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Environment - AMS2.djson, Drizzle, Visible : Expression if([GameRawData.mRainDensity] >= 0, if([GameRawData.mRainDensity] < 0.2,1,0),0) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Environment - AMS2.djson, Rain, Visible : Expression if([GameRawData.mRainDensity] >= 0.2, if([GameRawData.mRainDensity] < 0.4,1,0),0) has generated an error (Null object cannot be converted to a value type.)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Environment - AMS2.djson, Storm2, Visible : Expression if([GameRawData.mRainDensity] >= 0.4, if([GameRawData.mRainDensity] < 0.6,1,0),0) has generated an error (Null object cannot be converted to a value type.)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Environment - AMS2.djson, Storm, Visible : Expression if([GameRawData.mRainDensity] >= 0.6, 1,0) has generated an error (Null object cannot be converted to a value type.)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Vehicle Settings.djson, TC ACC, Opacity : Expression if ( [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Graphics.TC]==0, 35, 100) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Vehicle Settings.djson, TC Cut ACC, Opacity : Expression if ( [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Graphics.TCCut]==0, 35, 100) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Vehicle Settings.djson, TC2 Active, Visible : Expression if ( [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Graphics.TCCut]==0,
if ( changed(300, [DataCorePlugin.GameData.TCActive]), 1, 0)
) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Vehicle Settings.djson, ABS Active, Visible : Expression if ( [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Graphics.ABS]==0,
if ( changed(300, [DataCorePlugin.GameData.ABSActive]), 1, 0)
) has generated an error (Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: conversionType)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Fuel.djson, TextItem7, Text : Expression (JS) if ($prop('DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Graphics.fuelEstimatedLaps')>5 || $prop('DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Graphics.fuelEstimatedLaps')==0) {
return Math.round($prop('DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Graphics.fuelEstimatedLaps'))
} else {
return $prop('DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Graphics.fuelEstimatedLaps').toFixed(1)
} has generated an error (TypeError: The value is null)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Alerts.djson, Lap Recap11, Text : Expression if (isnull(driverbestlap([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Realtime.BestLapCarIndex]+1)), '0:00.000', driverbestlap([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Realtime.BestLapCarIndex]+1)) has generated an error (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Alerts.djson, Lap Recap, TextColor : Expression if ( timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
timespantoseconds(driverbestlap([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Realtime.BestLapCarIndex]+1)) == 0, '#FFC500CE',

if (
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.BestLapTime]) > 0,

if (
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.BestLapTime]) == 0,
'#FF01A803', '#FF000000' )

)) has generated an error (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Alerts.djson, Lap Recap4, Text : Expression if (
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
'(+', '(' ) +

timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
) has generated an error (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Alerts.djson, Lap Recap4, TextColor : Expression if ( (timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
timespantoseconds(driverbestlap([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Realtime.BestLapCarIndex]+1))) == 0, '#FFC500CE',

if (
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -

if (
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
'#FF01A803', '#FF000000' )

)) has generated an error (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Alerts - iR.djson, Lap Recap, TextColor : Expression if ( timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
timespantoseconds(driverbestlap([DataCorePlugin.GameData.BestLapOpponentPosition])) == 0, '#FFC500CE',

if (
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.BestLapTime]) > 0,

if (
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.BestLapTime]) == 0,
'#FF01A803', '#FF000000' )

)) has generated an error (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Alerts - AMS2.djson, Lap Recap, TextColor : Expression if ( timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
timespantoseconds(driverbestlap([DataCorePlugin.GameData.BestLapOpponentPosition]+1)) == 0, '#FFC500CE',

if (
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.BestLapTime]) > 0,

if (
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.BestLapTime]) == 0,
'#FF01A803', '#FF000000' )

)) has generated an error (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Alerts - AMS2.djson, Lap Recap4, Text : Expression if (
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
'(+', '(' ) +

timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
) has generated an error (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Alerts - AMS2.djson, Lap Recap4, TextColor : Expression if ( (timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
timespantoseconds(driverbestlap([DataCorePlugin.GameData.BestLapOpponentPosition]+1))) == 0, '#FFC500CE',

if (
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -

if (
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
'#FF01A803', '#FF000000' )

)) has generated an error (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Alerts - rF2.djson, Lap Recap11, Text : Expression if (isnull(driverbestlap([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Realtime.BestLapCarIndex]+1)), '0:00.000', driverbestlap([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Realtime.BestLapCarIndex]+1)) has generated an error (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Alerts - rF2.djson, Lap Recap, TextColor : Expression if ( timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
timespantoseconds(driverbestlap([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Realtime.BestLapCarIndex]+1)) == 0, '#FFC500CE',

if (
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.BestLapTime]) > 0,

if (
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.BestLapTime]) == 0,
'#FF01A803', '#FF000000' )

)) has generated an error (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Alerts - rF2.djson, Lap Recap4, Text : Expression if (
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
'(+', '(' ) +

timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
) has generated an error (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Alerts - rF2.djson, Lap Recap4, TextColor : Expression if ( (timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
timespantoseconds(driverbestlap([DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Realtime.BestLapCarIndex]+1))) == 0, '#FFC500CE',

if (
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -

if (
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
'#FF01A803', '#FF000000' )

)) has generated an error (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Alerts - iR.djson, Lap Recap4, Text : Expression if ( [DataCorePlugin.GameData.BestLapOpponentPosition] != -1 ,

if (
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
timespantoseconds(driverbestlap([DataCorePlugin.GameData.BestLapOpponentPosition])) > 0,
'(+', '(' ) +

timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -

'(-.---)') has generated an error (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)and wont be run again for 30s
ERROR DashTemplates\Lovely Dashboard\Alerts - iR.djson, Lap Recap4, TextColor : Expression if ( [DataCorePlugin.GameData.BestLapOpponentPosition] != -1 ,

if ( timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
timespantoseconds(driverbestlap([DataCorePlugin.GameData.BestLapOpponentPosition])) == 0, '#FFC500CE',

if (
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
timespantoseconds(driverbestlap([DataCorePlugin.GameData.BestLapOpponentPosition])) > 0,

if (
timespantoseconds([DataCorePlugin.GameData.LastLapTime]) -
timespantoseconds(driverbestlap([DataCorePlugin.GameData.BestLapOpponentPosition])) < 0,
'#FF01A803', '#FF000000' )


'#FF000000') has generated an error (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)and wont be run again for 30s
INFO RSC.iRacingExtraProperties - Reference lap recording stopped due to session change
INFO Game disconnected

Active Member
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 3
Topic starter  

Logs zipped up.  Strange as it was working fine this morning.  Any help greatly appreciated.
