How can I show 3 le...
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How can I show 3 letters of surname of drivers ahead and behind like F1 style?

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In Simhub there is an option to show the short name as Lewis Hamilton (LHA) while I would like to have HAM like F1 style.

How can I build this with the driver ahead and behind?

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Posts: 1

Hello, you need to put a text, in the text properties add a binding. (Check: Use JavaScript)

For Driver Ahead:

let driverAheadRaw = $prop('PersistantTrackerPlugin.DriverAhead_00_Name');
let driverAhead = (driverAheadRaw == null) ? '-' : driverAheadRaw.substr(driverAheadRaw.indexOf(' ') + 1,3).toUpperCase();
return driverAhead;

For Driver Behind:

let driverBehindRaw = $prop('PersistantTrackerPlugin.DriverBehind_00_Name');
let driverBehind = (driverBehindRaw == null) ? '-' : driverBehindRaw.substr(driverBehindRaw.indexOf(' ') + 1,3).toUpperCase();
return driverBehind;

