Conditional Dash Sc...
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Conditional Dash Screen Setting Clarification

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I might be having a fundamental misunderstanding of how dash screens work.

I want to add a 'launch' screen for standing starts. My condition is below:

latch = false


speed = NewRawData().Telemetry["Speed"] * 3.6
gear = NewRawData().Telemetry["Gear"]
clutch = 1 - NewRawData().Telemetry["ClutchRaw"]

//when car is stopped in first gear, enable launch page and latch until speed > 80 kph and clutch == 0

if (speed < 1 && gear == 1){
	latch = true
else if (latch == true && speed > 80 && clutch == 0){
	latch = false

return latch

Basically if the car is stationary in 1st gear, I want the 'Launch' page of my dash to come up, and stay up until 80kph and the clutch is let out all the way, after which the 'Launch' page should disappear and the normal dash pops back up.

My understanding is that if I have a screen page set as 'In Game Screen' and have a condition, when that condition evaluates 'true' it should become visible on the dash right? In the raw result I can see the output switching from 'false' to 'true' but the dash screen doesn't seem to change.

I tried changing the order of my dash screens but nothing seems to work.

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Additional info: I've managed to figure out that saving the dash with the conditional in the 'true' condition (car stopped in first gear) seems to reboot the dash and the launch screen pops up on top and works correctly.

After the conditional is set to 'false' again (>80 kph & zero clutch), the launch screen disappears and the race dash appears as expected.

However, when I stop the car again the launch page doesn't pop up again as it should. It seems that once the screen isn't loaded/disabled the condition stops being evaluated?
