No Limits Roller Co...
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No Limits Roller Coaster 2

5 Posts
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Gary Swallow
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Replays for No Limits Roller Coaster 2

New Member
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 2

Sorry but this game it's going to be supported again? In last rel. (not present 7.4.7)




Honorable Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 530

The game is still supported on 7.4.7.
I just went on a little ride to confirm it 🤢 
You can edit your game list by right clicking a tile on the "Games" screen
Or you can also go to "Settings" and then "Games"

New Member
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 2

... Yess! I don't know why in my Game List that Game was unselected.... ???

Now work perfetc !!!!! 

Thankyou a lot for quick reply !



Romainrob reacted
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Posts: 1

No Limits 2 is the ultimate roller coaster simulation that lets you experience authentic roller coaster thrills. Climb into the world's most famous roller <a href=" removed link " target="_blank" rel="noopener">sign language alphabet  coasters and experience the excitement in real time. Or design a new roller coaster that is engineered to your specifications. $39.99.No Limits 2 was released on 10 January 2014. As well as features from the original simulator, No Limits 2 also includes transfer tracks, storage blocks, greatly improved graphics and more.
