Bass Shaker - Iraci...
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Bass Shaker - Iracing

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Yesterday I tried for the first time the bass shakers with Iracing (I didn't try with others sims), I have a problem with "Wheel Slip" and "Wheel lock". 

With "Road Impacts/Rumbles and vibrations" the four channels have different signals and I can feel the difference between the wheels. With "Wheel Slip/lock" there is the same signal for all channels, There aren't differences between the wheels.

Is it a limit of Iracing or is it a problem of my configuration?

Prominent Member Admin
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Hi ! 

This is indeed a limitation from Iracing. There is no detailed information about slip available so it's roughly estimated based on groud speed/rpm ratio. Therefore, there is a lateral component available which makes the effect not exactly identical on 4 channels. On other games with the data (RF2, AC, ACC, PCars ... )  you will get perfectly separated effects.


Torque reacted
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Thanks Nicolas



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Posted by: @admin5435

Hi ! 

This is indeed a limitation from Iracing. There is no detailed information about slip available so it's roughly estimated based on groud speed/rpm ratio. Therefore, there is a lateral component available which makes the effect not exactly identical on 4 channels. On other games with the data (RF2, AC, ACC, PCars ... )  you will get perfectly separated effects.


dear Nicolas/wotever

as usual thx for support.

i use mainly iracing

i've bought 4 shakers to be added in the corner of the RIG mainly to have the feeling of wheel slip and lock differentiated by single wheel (as per 911cup without abs and esp) and under/overs steering

i have undestood of these limitations from iracing and the solutions of simhub (lateral component available which makes the effect not exactly identical on 4 channels).


do you have some profile for iracing that are working in this way?

could be possible for you to share this precious help with us ?

obviously i am completely available for a paypal contribution for a such precius hel for us !!

thx a lot in advance and sorry to always disturb you and romainbob



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Hi there maybe, it's a little late but I just joined SimHub.
I've made up a 4-Corner slip effect by subtracting the longitudial/lateral acceleration from the opposite wheel, after multiplying it cus the value is pretty small (between 0-4 or smth)...

So my "Made up Slip" looks smth like this


"WheelslipFL-(acclat*10)-(acclong*10)" on the opposite wheel you need to have the acc's multiplied by -1 to get a positive value.


under cornering the outside wheels get a (stronger) signal, under breaking it shifts to the front and to the back while accelerating. And all together...

 of course it has it's flaws. i.e. when you're accelerating while having understeer, you'll get a (stronger) signal to the rea wheel


but I'm pretty happy with it, but still needs fine tuneing

This post was modified 5 years ago by Schnirbus
