Defining Text Color
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Defining Text Color

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I'm trying to write a code that changes font color when the spesified result. I tried if([DataCorePlugin.GameData.TyreTemperatureRearRightInner],fontcolor(#FF008000),0). But this code didn't work and actually I dont know how to write a code so I need help. Thanks for reading

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There are multiple ways to do this.

Using a "Computed value" (if you want hard thresholds for the color changes)
if( [DataCorePlugin.GameData.TyreTemperatureRearRightInner]<80, '#FF0000FF', '#FF008000')

You can replace the hexcodes by the color names if applicable:
if( [DataCorePlugin.GameData.TyreTemperatureRearRightInner]<80, 'Blue', 'Red')

And you can use nested ifs if you want more than 2 colors:
if( [DataCorePlugin.GameData.TyreTemperatureRearRightInner]<80, 'Blue',
if( [DataCorePlugin.GameData.TyreTemperatureRearRightInner]>90, 'Red', 'Green'))

If you want the color to gradually change, use "Computed color" instead
Simply insert your property as formula and set your colors and thresholds.

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Thank you so much. I've done it with your help thank you really. But I still have an issue with something.
if(104>[DataCorePlugin.GameData.TyreTemperatureRearLeftInner]> 109,'Orange',
I writed that but it doesnt read between part. Trying to do that if the tyre temp is in between 104-109, font color should be orange. Thanks for your help again 🙂

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104>[DataCorePlugin.GameData.TyreTemperatureRearLeftInner]> 109
[DataCorePlugin.GameData.TyreTemperatureRearLeftInner] > 104 && [DataCorePlugin.GameData.TyreTemperatureRearLeftInner] < 109

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Thank you

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Im looking to do something like the post but with SafetyRating!
I want to apply 3 colors of text for safety rating like as follows
0-2 is is red
2.1-3.3 is orange
3.4 up is black

This way without even taking the time to read a number, just by color I know "oh need to be careful around this guy"

currently text binding is

Then I have the same but for driverAhead

I just need to understand how I go about the textColor binding but in my own method.

Thanks for any info and time!
