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Disable Full screen & swipe up banner on Android

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Is it possible to prevent the display of the banner with the buttons "Fullscreen/Back... swipe Up/down etc..." when starting a dash on an Android phone (I'm not using the App).
If not, can I start the Android App with a predefined dash ?

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What's with all the SPAM bots responding... 🙁

Try using the new "Device" feature.  It really makes using the App and a phone easier than ever.

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Yaqinda kazino saytida kazino takliflari bilan tanishdim va turli xilligidan hayratda qoldim. O‘zbekistonda bo‘lgani uchun kazino o‘yinlarining keng doirasiga kirish har doim ham oson emas. Ushbu sayt har xil turdagi o'yinchilarni qiziqtiradigan klassik va zamonaviy o'yinlarning keng to'plamini taqdim etadi. Foydalanuvchi interfeysi silliq va o'yinlar tez yuklanadi, bu yoqimli o'yin tajribasi uchun juda muhimdir.

This post was modified 6 months ago by jeviv4
