iRacing TC trigger ...
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iRacing TC trigger LED

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Hi everyone,

Disclaimer before people ignore this topic

I am aware of the limitation of LED effect for TC and ABS for the absence of telemetry due to iRacing not willing to find a different solution for cheating (I already read some topics about it)

I think Iracing removed the the possibility to map the button for "ABS toggle" as is always gray for all the cars with ABS that I tried.


today I was messing with my steering wheel, and SimHub, to have

-the LED off (black color) when TC/ABS are not available for the car

-LED changing color when is on/off (green on/orange off)

-LED blinking when the TC is doing its job


Failed the first and the third, partially failed the second.

Now I have the

- LED that are orange when I'm off game green in game according with the car that have or not ABS/TC

- when I press the button to activate or deactivate the control, the LED status doesn't change

- when I turn the dial down to 0 for the ABS the LED change, but nothing happen on TC that remain like the active color even when the on the dashboard says it's off (when I press the button on the dashboard it flash telling that is on or off)


Anyone that know what code/formula I can use on the custom effect?

I know that I could simply create different profiles and have different led/button mapping based on the car, but I would like to have something like

TC/ABS available "inactive color"

TC/ABS not available LED off (Black color)

TC/ABS color that change when I press the button


thanks for your help
