Missing System Info
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Missing System Info

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I updated to 8.4.1 recently and now I get no values for the built-in system components, CPU Load and Memory Load, etc. All the  SystemInfoPlugin properties are gone!

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Hi, sadly Open hardware monitor add to go for security reasons. It was removed in the 8.3.0 update

To quote the release notes available here: https://www.simhubdash.com/download-2/

System infos

  • Removed embedded “Open hardware monitor” component, unfortunately all variations of this component even the most recent contains some security breach rightly pointed by some antivirus.
  • Added a few vitals information read directly by SimHub in replacement of “Open hardware monitor”
    • CPU load
    • Memory load
    • Property about the monitors state (ON/sleeping)

If you need more properties you'll have to connect a third party monitoring tool to SimHub (Aida, Afterburner or HWINFO)

See the wwiki about it here: https://github.com/SHWotever/SimHub/wiki/System-informationsHave a nice day.

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Posted by: @rooster242

I updated to 8.4.1 recently and now I get no values for the built-in system components, CPU Load and uptobemarketing Memory Load, etc. All the  SystemInfoPlugin properties are gone

Updating to 8.4.1 may have caused issues with SystemInfoPlugin properties. Check for compatibility updates or patches, and consider reinstalling the plugin to restore functionality.


This post was modified 2 months ago by MoiseKean
