shake it assetto co...
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shake it assetto corsa competizione

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In the game assetto corsa competizione, the shake it does not work, the bass shaker does work.
In the other games if the shake it works.
This is a bug of the simhub or I am missing some of the configuration to make it go.

Prominent Member Admin
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Hi ! Could you tell me which version of simhub you are running ? If the shakers works it means data is fed correctly and must work for motors (or fans) too. Could you check your active profile when acc is activated in the main game list ? Shakeit will reload the last profile used for each game, you may have an empty profile (or disabled effects) for acc ?

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Version: Simhub 6.8.1
The engines of the shakeit work correctly, since in other games through the simhub they work.
The only profile that I get an "I" in the corner under the game as an early access tag although the game is in its final version.
I have a generic profile for all games.


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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 737


I double checked tomorrow and I did not see issues yet, I start to think it could occur at game connection, could you confirm the game shows as connected in SimHub title bar ? Also do not hesitate to join the log files available in c:\Program Files (x86)\SimHub\Logs so I can see what is happening.


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<a href=""><img src="" alt="simhub" border="0"></a>

Game Disconnected


[2019-07-13 09:34:39,814] INFO - Starting SimHub v6.8.0 (build time : 26/06/2019 08:01:39)
[2019-07-13 09:34:39,821] INFO - Administrator privileges : True
[2019-07-13 09:34:39,825] INFO - OS version : Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0, Windows 10.0.17763
[2019-07-13 09:34:39,825] INFO - License status : Licensed
[2019-07-13 09:34:39,825] INFO - Process priority : Normal
[2019-07-13 09:34:42,075] INFO - (Re)Starting AssettoCorsaCompetizione Game Manager and plugin manager
[2019-07-13 09:34:42,078] INFO - Creating Assetto Corsa Competizione game manager (ACSharedMemory.ACCManager)
[2019-07-13 09:34:42,100] INFO - AssettoCorsaCompetizione game manager created
[2019-07-13 09:34:42,101] INFO - Creating plugin manager
[2019-07-13 09:34:44,093] INFO - Loading font list
[2019-07-13 09:34:44,602] INFO - Starting Arduino in Multiple USB mode, devices configured :
{"CustomProtocol":{"Expression":null},"deviceName":"SimHub Dash","displayModules":0,"readButtons":true,"disabled":false,"RgbLeds":0,"Motors":4,"speedLevel":11}
{"CustomProtocol":{"Expression":null},"deviceName":"SRP TSPC DISPLAY","displayModules":1,"readButtons":true,"disabled":false,"RgbLeds":22,"Motors":0,"speedLevel":11}
[2019-07-13 09:34:44,628] INFO - Matrix custom font custommatrixfont8x8 loaded
[2019-07-13 09:34:44,851] INFO - Web suggested IP :
[2019-07-13 09:34:44,898] INFO - Web font-faces up to date
[2019-07-13 09:34:44,899] INFO - Loading plugins controls
[2019-07-13 09:34:45,429] INFO - Game successfully loaded
[2019-07-13 09:34:45,467] INFO - Allocating FMOD output for Vibracion respaldo (USB PnP Sound Device)
[2019-07-13 09:34:45,878] INFO - Allocating FMOD output for Vibracion debajo del asiento (Realtek High Definition Audio)
[2019-07-13 09:34:46,115] INFO - USBD480 : Found 0 display(s)
[2019-07-13 09:34:47,027] INFO - Font list loading successful
[2019-07-13 09:34:49,944] INFO - Found one device on COM5 named {
"ConnectedModel": "j",
"Features": "GNJPX",
"SimpleModuleCount": 1,
"RGBLedsCount": 22,
"DeviceName": "SRP TSPC DISPLAY",
"PortName": "COM5",
"HasBoost": 0,
"HasSpeedo": 0,
"IsBluetooth": false,
"HasTacho": 0,
"ExpandedFeatures": [
"MaxAheadDatagrams": 0,
"DatagramMaxLength": 0,
"MCUModel": "ATmega328P",
"ReceivedDatagramsCount": 0
[2019-07-13 09:34:49,945] INFO - Switching device named SRP TSPC DISPLAY to speed level 11 on COM5
[2019-07-13 09:34:49,946] INFO - Switching device on port COM5 to speed level 11, 115200 bauds
[2019-07-13 09:34:50,048] INFO - Forcing arduino sync
[2019-07-13 09:34:50,454] INFO - Forcing arduino sync
[2019-07-13 09:34:50,454] INFO - Connected to device on COM5 named SRP TSPC DISPLAY
[2019-07-13 09:34:55,678] INFO - Found one device on COM3 named {
"ConnectedModel": "j",
"Features": "GNJPXV",
"DeviceName": "SimHub Dash",
"MotorsCount": 4,
"PortName": "COM3",
"HasBoost": 0,
"HasSpeedo": 0,
"IsBluetooth": false,
"HasTacho": 0,
"ExpandedFeatures": [
"MotorsBoard": "Adafruit Motor Shield V2",
"MaxAheadDatagrams": 0,
"DatagramMaxLength": 0,
"MCUModel": "ATmega328P",
"ReceivedDatagramsCount": 0
[2019-07-13 09:34:55,678] INFO - Switching device named SimHub Dash to speed level 11 on COM3
[2019-07-13 09:34:55,678] INFO - Switching device on port COM3 to speed level 11, 115200 bauds
[2019-07-13 09:34:55,782] INFO - Forcing arduino sync
[2019-07-13 09:34:56,187] INFO - Connected to device on COM3 named SimHub Dash



Prominent Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 737

Thanks for for the log.  It gets weirder :D, just to confirm in the logs you sent you were in the game and a race ? 

In the log the following line should show
[2019-07-13 09:55:10,122] INFO - AC shared memory connected

But i can't see it. It would mean that the game is not outputing the data as it should (it's the very first step of the process and it's pretty fail proof).
Could you confirm you are on the 1.0.6 build of ACC ?


NB : I forgot to answer about this particular point : I still mark ACC as Beta/early access because of the unachieved telemetry coming from the game. I feel they had to rush to keep their planning and did not finished it. I hope they will solve that fast.

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I was in the game without doing any race.

I have the latest version of ACC 1.06
