Simhub dash flicker...
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Simhub dash flickers badly on usbd480 screen when running OBS Studio at same time

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I have spent 8 hours today trying to figure this out without success. 

My system is a amd5950x with x570  elite Wi-Fi motherboard and a 3090 GPU running windows 11.  I mention that because I ran into this issue after I updated from f31 bios to f36e bios. 

Simhub dash flickers badly on usbd480 screen when running OBS Studio at same time. As soon as I launch OBS studio the USBD480 dash starts to flicker.   I have tried different refresh rates for the dash such as 60 30 20 10   The lower refresh rates have less flicker  but honesty at 5 to 10 fps it is just too slow to be usable anyway  


I might try going back a few versions on the bios but I upgraded the bios to solve another issue where I would get a message saying I ran out of usb resources at system startup so I would rather not go back to that  




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Posted by: @martincrisp

I have spent 8 hours today trying to figure this out without success. 

My system is a amd5950x with x570  elite Wi-Fi motherboard and a 3090 GPU running windows 11.  I mention that because I ran into this issue after I updated from f31 bios to f36e bios. 

Simhub dash flickers badly on usbd480 screen when running OBS Studio at same time. As soon as I launch OBS studio the USBD480 dash starts to flicker.   I have tried different refresh rates for the dash such as 60 30 20 10   The lower refresh rates have less flicker  but honesty at 5 to 10 fps it is just too slow to be usable anyway  


I might try going back a few versions on the bios but I upgraded the bios to solve another issue where I would get a message saying I ran out of usb resources at system startup so I would rather not go back to that  




Did you ever get this sorted? I'm having the same issue but I'm not running OBS. My USBD480-WQ43 is flickering. I'm running W10 with the latest updates with an MSI X570 Tomahawk MB and AMD 5900X CPU. Like you, setting the refresh rate lower have less flicker but anything below 30 makes the display unusable. 
