Text inside dial ga...
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Text inside dial gauge

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I am making a dial gauge tach and I want to put "RPM x 1000" in the dial. The problem I want to solve is that the text is not behind the needle. How do I get the text behind the needle????

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SquareBob - I’m new to building dashes in SimHub too.

To achieve what you want, create a group for your dial elements (use the ‘folder’ icon) and place all of your elements there. You can then drag and drop the order of the elements and this will affect how they are layered visually.


From memory, elements lower down the list appear in front of those higher up - so in your case, order your gauge elements such that the ‘rpm x1000’ text label is above the Dial Gauge element when listed under the group (folder) you created to keep everything tidy.


Wotever reacted
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Thanks. I will give it a try
