Andreas Dahl
Eminent Member
Joined: Sep 17, 2021
Last seen: Mar 14, 2024
Topics: 1 / Replies: 44
RE: Dahl Design

New update out!Make sure to also update the plugin:

5 months ago
RE: Dahl Design

@andrey Hey! I can't reproduce this error. Have you got the most recent version of the dashboard, SimHub and plugin?

8 months ago
RE: Dahl Design

Updates to Dash, prop plugin and LED plugin are out, support for SF23 and some bug fixes 🙂

10 months ago
RE: Dahl Design

Latest release of Dashboard (1.14.1) and Property plugin (1.16.0) on GitHub. -/p> -/p>

1 year ago
RE: Dahl Design

@cabralada So there was rapported an issue with lap records not being reset on changing tracks. This might be what you're referring to? It is fixed...

2 years ago
RE: Dahl Design

@cabralada Hi! Exactly which propert is not updating? "Pace" property? Can you add a screenshot showing the problem?

2 years ago
RE: Dahl Design

@cabralada Updated now 🙂

2 years ago
RE: Dahl Design

@gerald Thanks Gerald 😀

2 years ago
RE: Dahl Design

@gerald Thank you for the contribution 😀

2 years ago
RE: Dahl Design

1.8.0 (Pull request from @mcowger) Last update post in this forum. The dashboard and manual will be moved from drive folder to GitHub. The property ...

2 years ago
RE: Dahl Design

@mcowger Brilliant!

2 years ago
RE: Dahl Design

@mcowger Thats would have been epic, 100% epic! I know the manual is outdated and missing quite a few things now. It is just too much work updating ...

2 years ago
RE: Dahl Design

@mcowger I see you've done a lot of research on this, and you've done everything correct. While the pit menu works right out of the box (based on w...

2 years ago
RE: Dahl Design

1.7.1 Added button to activate the shift timing assistant in all types of sessions (purple and green lines on the RPM bar).

2 years ago
RE: Dahl Design

1.7.0Major update. Since last, the plugin source code is available on GitHub. I'm going to move the manual in the drive folder over to the GitHub wi...

2 years ago
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