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New ETS2 Dashboard for SimHub UPDATED for ATS

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@zuluwalker Thank you for your kind words. I’m glad you’re enjoying the dash!
I am thinking of adding a 16:9 version to cater for those with widescreens but your tip sounds great.

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This is very nice, the only issue I am having is trying to start the engine.  Electric works fine, as soon as I turn on electric the orange brake light flashes. I try to start engine in neutral, with park brake on and pressing the brake and I get nothing. If I use the keyboard shortcut the engine starts and the brake light works perfectly, showing orange when I press brake and turning off when I stop pressing.  Trying to turn off the engine results in the same issue as I have trying to start it.

This post was modified 1 year ago by ampm

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Hi there. Thanks for your message.
Please can you tell me which sim you’re having this issue with and also the specific truck?
Have you tried with different trucks?

Also, please can you confirm that you have it set to turn on electrics and engine separately?

I have a feeling that some trucks in ATS don’t apply the footbrake when the engine isn’t running, but not all are affected because the dash start sequence does work for me in ATS.

If you let me have the answers to the above then I will do some testing.

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thanks for the quick response! 
I am using ATS
I was using the Freightliner Cascadia
Yes electric and engine separately
fanatec csl pedals

quick inquiry, is there a trailer air supply button somewhere that I am missin?

This post was modified 1 year ago by ampm

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Hi there,
I just tested with the international Lonestar and the Freightliner Cascadia  and the Start Button worked as expected in both trucks.

For the dash Start button to work, your keyboard settings for Engine and Electrics should be as follows:

Electrics = I

Engine Start = E

(foot) brake = B (NB: this is not the engine brake, but the footbrake)

You've already mentioned that the option to start the engine with electrics is off in ATS Gameplay settings.

Unless of course you've changed the bindings in my Dash to match those in ATS!

Whichever, please check that the key bindings in ATS match those in the dash, and that you set up the key emulations in SimHub too.

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Thanks, I am quite sure I have the correct bindings after going through the entire instruction document but I will have another look once I am at home to be positive.

also, is there a trailer air button somewhere that I am missing?


Thanks again, great dash!

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@ampm Thanks for your kind words.
Yes, check your bindings in game and particularly check the key emulations in SimHub. There’s a table on page 4 of my manual which shows what you should see in SimHub.
The keys in the SimHub keyboard emulations section should match the keyboard assignments in game.

I’m not sure what you mean by ‘trailer air’ button. Is that for trailer braking?
If so, it’s not modelled on the dash.

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Hi, I am having exactly the same problems,  I can turn  the ignition on and off using the start button on  your dashboard and that is all it will do.  If I use the assigned keys on the keyboard, the dash will work as expected, ie ignition, engine start and stop.  I am using ETS2 1.49.X, truck is the new SCS Actros and my tablet is a Samsung Galaxy A8.  Any help would be much appreciated.  BTW, this is a great piece of work otherwise 👏 


Also, I have the plugin and I am using the Logitech G Pro wheelbase and pedals.

This post was modified 1 year ago by Robinhood7471

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@robinhood7471 Thanks for the kind comments.

Just to reiterate, in order for the button to work as designed, all the steps to set up the dash need to be followed. This especially includes the SimHub emulations for the Start button.

Also, it is imperative that your ETS2 keyboard settings match those that are set up in the SimHub emulations. Especially Engine Start and Ignition. (E and I iirc) and that auto engine start on ignition is off in ets2 settings.

Assuming this has been done, then the start button should work as expected in the following conditions:

1. Press button when cold and dark - parking brake is off,  footbrake is not pressed or gear is not neutral = Ignition On (engine will not start - by design).

2. Press button (from cold and dark or with Ignition on) when parking brake is on and footbrake is pressed down and gear is neutral = Ignition (if off) and Engine Start.

All 3 conditions must be true for engine start (footbrake down, parking brake on, gear neutral).

It’s very difficult for me to troubleshoot such issues because I cannot replicate the issue here without purposely breaking the set up in SimHub. Neither can I see screenshots of your simhub emulations to determine whether your settings are correct.

I use the New Actros a lot in ETS2 and it works as expected. I use a Logitech GT wheel and pedals but I have also tested using the keyboard to see if holding down the (foot) brake key to see if it makes a difference. It shouldn’t because the dash is looking for game properties (Brake, Parking.Brake, CurrentGear) not specific keystrokes. The keystrokes that do matter for the Start button are Ignition and Engine start which, as I previously mentioned, must match those set in ets2 settings.

If you have a way to upload screenshots of your ets2 keyboard assignments and SimHub set up screens then I could see if there’s anything wrong. Otherwise it’s just checking and doublechecking the set up against the instruction manual. 

I will of course check again on my set-up to see if any recent updates have broken things and will report back here in the next day or so.

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Hi, thanks for the quick reply.  

I am sure that I have followed all of the setup steps correctly and that I am using the right procedures regarding use of foot, parking brakes and gear in neutral.

I have also tried pressing the brake key (B) on the keyboard and it still won't start from the button.

My pedals are connected via the wheelbase, should they be connected independently by USB instead? Although when I do press the brake pedal, it does register on your dashboard with the yellow brake icon.



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@robinhood7471 My pedals are connected to the wheelbase too.

When you press the button and ignition starts, does the dash flash any brake lights on the top screen?


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@nigeuk From cold, if I press the start button on the dash panel, the ignition comes on and I have a yellow flashing foot brake icon, which does not extinguish until I start the truck by pressing (E) on the keyboard.

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@robinhood7471 Thanks for the information. When you hold down the footbrake does the yellow light stop flashing?

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@nigeuk If I press the footbrake when the engine is not running, the yellow brake light continues to flash.  If I start the engine using keystroke (E) and then press the footbrake, it stops flashing.

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@robinhood7471 Thanks for that. The brake light should stop flashing when you hold down the brake pedal. Then, when you press the Start button again (and gear is neutral and parking brake is on) the engine should start.

For some reason the dash isn’t detecting that the footbrake is down, and so not sending the correct keystroke (i then e or e) to the sim.

Just to confirm, are you using the default Mercedes Benz New Actros? Any mods for the truck?
Also, forgive me for asking, here’s the procedure:

1. Parking brake on

2. Gear in Neutral

3. Foot on brake pedal all the way down (or holding the Footbrake keyboard key)

4. Press the Start button

5. The Ignition and Engine should start. Yellow brake light solid on, red parking brake light solid on.

6. Release footbrake.

I am assuming that your footbrake is working when you move the truck?

I will test the mechanics this weekend for sure.


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