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Tritium Sim Racing Dash Official

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Tritium Sim Racing Dash


Documentation Here

I will try to keep this post updated, but our GitHub and Discord will be the preferred access channel, with better documentation and more frequent updates.

[img] [/img]

## Features

### Left and Right Modules
**Lap Timing**

- Predicted Lap
- Last Lap
- Best Lap

**Sector Timing**

- Sector Times
- Sector Deltas

**Opponents Ahead and Behind**

- Position
- Name
- Safety Rating
- Last Lap
- Last Lap Time Gained/Lost
- Best Lap
- Relative Gap

**Relative Leaderboard**

- Position
- Car/Seed Number
- Name
- Safety Rating
- Relative Gap

**Overall Leaderboard**

- Position
- Car/Seed Number
- Name
- Safety Rating
- Gap to Overall Leader

**Class Leaderboard**

- Position
- Car/Seed Number
- Name
- Safety Rating
- Gap to Class Leader

### Center Module
**Configuration 1**

- Delta to Session Personal Best
- Gear
- Speed
- Redline Overlay
- Launch Control Overlay
- SF23 Overtake Mode Active Overlay
- Input Telemetry Gauges

**Configuration 1**

- Delta to Session Personal Best
- Gear
- Speed
- Redline Overlay
- Launch Control Overlay
- SF23 Overtake Mode Active Overlay
- Driver Left/Right Indicator

### Car Settings Module
**Based on Property Availability**

- TC1
- TC2
- Brake Bias
- Front ARB
- Rear ARB
- MGU-K Deploy Mode
- SF23 Overtake Mode
- SF23 Launch Control
- Engine Map
- Throttle Shaping

### Top Module
**Relative Opponents (Ahead & Behind)**

- Name
- Position
- Relative Gap

**Session Quick Info**

- Personal Last Lap
- Personal Best Lap
- Wind Direction and Velocity
- Air Temp
- Track Temp
- Track Usage State

### Bottom Module
**Timing & Scoring**

- Lap Counter
- Position

**Quick Fuel Info**

- Fuel Remaining
- Laps Remaining
- Refuel Needed to Finish

### Navigation
**Bind to Device Controls in Simhub** (can use touch or physical key binding)
- Center Module => Dash Action A
- Left Module => Dash Action B
- Right Module => Dash Action C
- Top Module => Dash Action D

#### Dependencies
- Romain Rob iRacing Extra Properties => [Download Here

Sorry for the messy feature list, but this forum does not support .md, and I can't be bothered to reformat everything.

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Posts: 2

I think this is the best option for driving SF23

I used Dahl design ddu before.

But it isn't support SF23 yet.

But Now! Your DDU makes me Happy! Again! 

Thank you for making this DDU! 

I Hope you enjoy the weekend 🙂 


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I wonder where i put the dahl design and other files like .dll files?

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@sihyeon-woo You put them in the SimHub root folder.

C:\Program Files (x86)\SimHub

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2.0.0 Major Release

Release Notes Here:

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A good work thanks 😀😎 

JohnEzra reacted
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3.1.1 Major Update

Lots of new updates/features for this one.

It requires the updated User.TSRConfig plugin for full functionality. The Plugin is included with this release.

The Dahl Designs Plugin is no longer required, and should be disabled/uninstalled if you are not using it for something else.

New Configuration Options:
-The top module has been split into left and right, and the plugin allows you to set any configuration of content you would like displayed there.
-Options are: Lap Times, Track Info, Session Info, Driver Ahead, and Driver Behind
-The top module driver ahead and behind now offers the option to display the Safety Rating
-The Center Module Delta can now be configured to reference your session best lap, or all time best lap
-The relative leaderboard can now be set to display position in class or overall position in multi class races
-Names on the leaderboards can now be set to F. Last, First L., or Initials
-There is an option to display your predicted lap in the center module under your delta
-There is an option to swap the position RPM and Speed in the center module if you would prefer speed to be more prominent

Backend Changes:
-All leaderboard gaps now use built in simhub timing (no longer using the dahl designs realrelative)
-SF23 Overtake Mode now uses iRacing Telemetry (should work better/eliminate any chance of desync)

**It is recommended to set the SimHub Gap Calculation to use Microsectors instead of the default Distance to Time algorithm for the best accuracy.

**I have included the iRacing Extra Properties plugin with this release as well, however if you already have it installed, feel free to ignore it.

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Can it be used on AC? trying some things they don't work and if I can do something about it myself
