Issue in menu and b...
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Issue in menu and buttons windows

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Hi everyone.

I've been having and issue since last two or three weeks, just after NVIDIA driver update.

Some menu and field windows are erased when mouse is over it.

Functionality is ok, but this is frustrating as I can't see what I'm really doing when I click on it.

I'd really thank any help about this issue.

Thank you.



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Posts: 1

Posted by: @ret00797

Hi everyone.

I've been having and issue since last two or three weeks, just after NVIDIA driver update.

Some menu and field windows are erased when mouse is over it.

Functionality is ok, but this is frustrating as I can't see what I'm really doing when I click on it.

I'd really thank any help about this issue.

Thank you.




Same issue here since a few month. Very annoying during using.
Tried to 1:1 carryover the Nvidia settings from my laptop, without any luck.

Text / icon goes away, when crossing it with the mouse


This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by bas987x

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