Some questions of a...
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Some questions of a beginner

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Hey there,
I´m racing in R3E and after the first hot days I decided to buld up some sort of wind simulator and ended up with SimHub - a cool tool.

After installing it I managed it to get it to work, but now have some minor questions:

a) Pinning of WindSim
On the documentation the wiring is shown ( ).
After I did it that way, the fans did not work. My Multimeter showed me that a negative voltage is applied, so I assume, that GND and +12V is flipped on the diagram.

Can anyone confirm this ?


b) Administrative rights
If I select the option to start SimHub as admin, an entry is created in config file in the users AppData folder structure.
After removing the selection in the GUI, this line still says "true" and starts it as admin.
Is this an expected behaviour or a single problem of my machine (Win 10, most recent version).


c) Multiple dashes on specific displays
Is it possible to start more than one dash automatically and assign each dashboard to a specific display?
If I start the dashes manually, all works fine, but it seems as if if only one dash can be started automatically and this is then displayed on display 1.
Any hints where is my fault ?


d) Key Actions
Honestly spoken I didn´t try it already, but is it possible to have the buttons of my Fanatec Wheel assigned to the switch dash screen actions?
Can I select different keys for different dashes or is this a global setting?


e) Multi-Keystrokes
Is it possible to have keys with modifiers assigned to an action?
Up to now I only managed to assign a single key to an action like "mute static wind".
But is it also possible to assignsomething like "ALT -SHIFT-M" ?
This wouls increade the number of possible combinations.

f) wheel lock/wheel spin
Is there a possibility to assign the wheel lock / wheel spin indication to a virtual LED in a dash or is it currently only supported on SheakeIt?

Sorry for the many questions...I´m growing with it..


Best regards







Prominent Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 737

Hi !

a) yes the board is not labelled that's why it's mandatory to check polarity as shown here :

b) no it's not normal, settings are saved at exit, however take care .net settings storage create one file per "exe version" so you may not watching the correct one, which would explain why you can't see it changing, also take care of some synchronisation software like dropbox/onedrive/google drive which may lock these files and prevent simhub correct settings save.

c) I'm not sure what version of simhub you are using, since a few releases I added a separated secondary and third "monitor" and each one can start a specific dash :

d) it's global 

E) No it's not possible, only simple presses, doing combination would require a big rework of the current input to action mapping.

f) Not directly, but you can export the effect result as a property and use it :
