wind sim trouble
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wind sim trouble

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hi everybody,

I'm having issues making the wind sim working properly.

it does work but after few second the fans stop and then restart.

because it looks like a lack of power. so I tried to reduce the volume and then tweak it until I fount the sweet spot where they work continuously without interruption but after a while same problem. I thought was a calibration problem; like to recalibrate the output was interrupting the signal then restart it but I was wrong, because no matter how I set it the issue persist.

any idea?


the hardware I connected is Adafruit moto shield to arduino UNO  with 2x  2 pins fan 12V 1.3A and PSU 12v 3A

whe I check the signal on simhub the signal is stable according with the speed, there are no interruptions, and the hardware is screwed not soldered


Thank you so much for your help



I forgot to mention that when I test on full speed full volumes on static wind "in race" and "off race" it gives persistent wind all the time same if I go on the single effect test button where the live effect is shown with furioust clicks, and the fans spin persistently far longer that the time that it takes in-game to stop and restart.

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I have exactly the same problem. I am using 5A power supply. I don't think the root cause is overheating or weak power supply because on 100% wind speed it works perfectly fine. The issue with fan interruption is ca. between 20% - 90% maximal fan speed. Did you find any solution so far?


Edit: I solved the problem by adjusting of PWM frequency on Arduino. From tutorials on Youtube I initially used recommended 1600 Hz which does not work for my fans. I played with it a little bit and found out the best value is around 650 - 700 Hz.

This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Radek_44

cerberus reacted
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@radek_44 Hello there, I have the exact same problem and was just wondering how you set the PWM frequency of the Arduino, could you give me some advice or please send me the links you used? Any help is greatly appreciated mate

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Hi everyone,

I Fixed the isuse, and potentially that led to understand the cause of it.


first of all I don't know if I didn't see it on SIMHUB  wiki or what else, but it is also written there.


the Adafruit motoshield have a specification of 1.2A per channel (4 channel in total) with a peak for starting the the motor connected of 3A (that what they state as max amp)

My fans are 1.4A each @12V so they were draining the shield capacitor (?) or making the chip overwork (?).


fact is that the the way I managed to fix it is that I connect +CH1 to -CH2  +CH3 to -CH4

and sharing the load made the things work perfectly fine.


Hope this helped

Have fun

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@goblinxxx I built my windsim quite a while back and at the time remember reading that SIMHUB wiki about spreading the load however after seeing your post I checked my assembly and sure enough I had the fans on CH1 & CH2.

Changing CH2 over to CH3 immediately fixed my problem and I have a fully functioning Windsim for the first time.

Thank you so much for bringing it to my attention and saving me alot of wasted time.

I highly recommended anyone else with this issue to start there if they haven't.

All the best mate & happy racing.
