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Joined: Jun 16, 2022
Last seen: Apr 12, 2023
Topics: 1 / Replies: 4
RE: Reading Serial Data from custom arduino

Yes and no, I essentially wrote my own USB Poll/Listener and forbid the Arduino Settings Page to poll the COM Port of the device.

1 year ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1448
RE: USB Devices Crashing / disconnecting with Simhub open

Be careful , I am currently testing these here Bluetooth Verstärker Board HiFi.../p> and I am having the same issues, Maybe it is the shakers and ...

2 years ago
RE: USB Devices Crashing / disconnecting with Simhub open

...bass shaker driven by a USB sound card... Do you, by any chance, use this USB Soundcard: I am running 4 bass shakers with 2 USB Soundcards. The...

2 years ago
RE: Screens

I found a small workaround for myself using autohotkey. You have to know the order of your screens and assign keyboard keys to first and next screen...

2 years ago