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@skiggity242 Hi,
This behavior is built into the SimHub map component.
There is not much I can do here.
My guess is that it uses Telemetry.LapDistPct which doesn't update when a teammate is driving,  instead of Telemetry.CarIdxLapDistPct[PlayerCarIdx].
I suggest your report this here:

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@romainrob Will do thanks for the guidance, and for the amazing collection of overlays and tools!

Romainrob reacted
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First, and most importantly, thank you for all you've done for SimHub and guys like myself that are enjoying your work!!

I've sent a PM via Discord about a few things I'm trying to accomplish with the iRacing Leaderboard Standings overlay.. I figured I would also post here since I'm sure you receive a ton of messages and cannot always get to them all.. 

I'm looking to modify the RSC - iRacing Leaderboard Standings overlay for use primarily with the iRacing Dallara IR18.. I'm not sure if it's possible, but, is there a way to display the PTP Count for each driver individually, as well as signal when it is being used?? The idea was to have a column for PTP next to the driver name (probably replacing the car logo since it's a single-class series), have the number of PTPs listed there in white, but flip to GREEN when in use while also counting down the remaining pushes.. I also wanted to sort the tire compounds using an image (The standard F1 S/M/H doesn't correlate to the IR18's P/A compounds).. I've already made the .PNG images (Sent them to you via Discord) for the IR18 tire compounds, but don't have enough experience in SimHub to sort how to call the images based on the raw data output.. 

Thank you for any information you can give me on this, whether it is possible or not, etc.. 

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Hello Romain,

An unusual question but is there a way to display the loading % of the game ?

My overlay is above the % loading bar and because I'm an impatient idiot I'd like to see what's going go without having to tilt my head because of the VR.


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@jch Hi. I don't see how.
The game and SimHub aren't even connected at this stage.
As a workaround you can map a button to toggle the overlay visibility in dash studio settings, or make it hidden while not racing in the layout editor.

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Posted by: @romainrob

@jch Hi. I don't see how.
The game and SimHub aren't even connected at this stage.
As a workaround you can map a button to toggle the overlay visibility in dash studio settings, or make it hidden while not racing in the layout editor.

ahhhh, the button for the visibility sounds good, the "not visible when not racing" was giving funny results so I've stopped using it but I can try again, thanks

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@romainrob just a follow up on the iR gain prediction issue, I reset my reference gap data in the extra properties and so far today is has been alot more accurate. 

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@crispeay Hi, this must be a coincidence.
The reference lap was only recently added to improve gap computation. It has nothing to do with the iRating estimation.
Bad quality reference laps are automatically discarded. Still I included a fail safe option to reset it, in case somehow the plugin saved a referenced lap with a big hole in it, causing gap inaccuracy and a strong yoyo effect around the corners.

Did you noticed the SoF also being wrong when the iR estimation is wrong?
Next time you notice the estimation being wrong, could you please check if any registered driver never joined the server?

A couple potentially misleading things to keep in mind:
- It only update every 5 sec. Even when using live positions.
- Live positions stop working as soon as the leader finishes the race.
Then the leaderboard falls back to static, over the line positions (positions at the start of the last lap).
The iR estimation maybe wrong/not updated while you're finishing your last lap.
It's best to look at the estimation again it once the race is over.

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Hello @Romainrob

Question regarding the input displays.

Is there a way to get the inputs quantified? To have an actual number/percentage (without the percentage sign) displayed below/above the gauge bar?

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@ivornh Hi,
I remember trying this but it wasn't a good fit.
You can add it by binding text components to the input properties:

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sorry for the late reaction but i was on holiday xD 

here is my Log file 😉 and i dont use Gsync 😛 

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@r3fl3xspray Hi,
The log is full of formula errors I don't recognize.
I doubt this is the source of the issue but these errors make the log hard to read.
I think these are from the DahlDesignDDU dash.
Could you try a session without this dash running and share the log files again?

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I only use simhub for your overlays, do you advise to upgrade to the new version 8.0? On the other hand, are you working on new overlays that take advantage of the new features of this version?


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@tgunator Hi, I haven't had the chance to try the v8 final release yet but I've been working on an update during the beta process.
I hope to release it in the coming days. It will upgrade every dash/overlay to the new v8 format, amongst other things...
Using the current version on SimHub v8 should be fine for the most part.
It's intended to be largely back compatible with v7 plugins and dashboards.
Beware that a few malformed formulas will throw an error as the updated NCalc is stricter with bad syntax. I had to fix them.
That's the only issue I can think of.

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@romainrob here is me new Logs map... this had the same with a other dashboard... specialy at the end of the session it sturrering a lot but my dashboard is not even stuttering at all.. maby you can check this again?

strange thing is that when i click on the overlay layout editor when im driving it wil be running smoot but when i click on my Iracing simulator it stuttering again...

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