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@selectyoung Hi, this is how SimHub data.NewData.OpponentsAhead/BehindOnTrack works.
Cars in the pit, as well as the pace car are filtered out.
I chose to use it in the the first place not to reinvent the wheel and also because I'd rather not see the cars in the pit when exiting the pits so I can actually tell if the pit exit is clear. Donington trauma...
I've considered trying to make my own opponents behind/ahead lists as it would open the door to more options indeed (showing the pace car, showing cars in the pit, auto hiding cars in the pit on pit exit, focusing the leaderboard on the spectated car and making the relative scrollable) but I won't start any big change until I start actually playing iRacing again.
That said, I think adding an option to include the pace car and cars in the pit lane could be a reasonable feature request for general SimHub use, not only iRacing. I'll open a ticket for this.

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@romainrob sad to see that you dont play iRacing anymore but if you could manage the cars in pits that would be huge for the iRacing and Simhub community. Whenever I do a race that requires a pit stop or an endurance event with multiple stops, I get confused by cars not showing up. So an option for it would be extremely helpful to many. Thanks

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@selectyoung If it wasn't for SimHub, this would have happened years ago. I'll jump back in here and then when a new build catches my attention.
I've submitted the idea to Wotever, as implementing this SimHub wide would benefit way more users (and spare me some headaches... )
Feel free to express your interest 😉 :

Selectyoung reacted
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1.2.7 Update

Focusing on compatibility with SimHub 8.1.0 and dashboard/plugins controls.

iRacing universal dash and Many-Faced dash controls:

  • Added dedicated dashboard controls. Controls must now be mapped in the plugin
    settings screen.
  • Reworked the auto pit screen feature so it won’t affect other dashboards anymore.
  • Removed screen type setting as it’s no longer needed.


iRacing plugin:

  • Various controls have been reworked into SimHub actions. Previously mapped controls
    will be lost. Please remap them.
  • Changed the session type detection (time vs lap limited) for the fuel calculator so the time
    limit now takes priority.
  • Added a iRacing_Player_PositionInClass property.
  • Added a iRacing_Player_PositionGain property.


Autobrightness plugin:

  • Fixed incompatibility with SimHub 8.1.0.
  • Regrouped all USB screens under a single slider.

Simhub performance monitor dash

  • Added error alert (red glow + last error 10 sec splash screen).
  • Tap the screen to see the last errors from the SimHub logs and reset the red glow.

Various other minor tweak and fixes

Links here


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I have a problem with the leaderboard standings. The font is too small. The original leaderboard from Simhub has a bigger font, so its better for my 4th monitor.

Maybe your leaderbord is too small either. I have too stretch it out all over the 2 screens to see a readable leaderboard.

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Is it possible to use IRacingExtraProperties.Pit_Request_Fuel(FuelCalc) with my own value for FuelCalc.

I have a function in SimHub in javascript which calculate a value for remaining fuel an I want to set it automatically to iRacing while crossing the pitlane or with a button.

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There is an issue with fuel and lap number calculator. I did last weekend a race that had very big time limit and set amount of laps, and fuel calculator never switched to number of laps - even on last lap with white flag it was showing me I still have 20sth laps to go and all fuel calculation were incorrect

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Posted by: @simbob

I have a problem with the leaderboard standings. The font is too small. The original leaderboard from Simhub has a bigger font, so its better for my 4th monitor.

Maybe your leaderbord is too small either. I have too stretch it out all over the 2 screens to see a readable leaderboard.

@simbob Hi, sorry for the delayed answer.
You can bump the font size slightly in the plugin settings.
Depending on the max row nb and nb of column you have enabled, you could also crop the overlay in the editor to make it easier to scale up by resizing the overlay window.

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Posted by: @martinzemla

Is it possible to use IRacingExtraProperties.Pit_Request_Fuel(FuelCalc) with my own value for FuelCalc.

I have a function in SimHub in javascript which calculate a value for remaining fuel an I want to set it automatically to iRacing while crossing the pitlane or with a button.

Hi, sorry for the delayed answer.
No, this is not possible. The action uses a value internal to the plugin.

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Hello! I have two questions:

1) I am using a Fire 7 via web interface as dashboard. Is it possible to transmit the Many Faced Dash smaller (ie as if the fire 7 were a 5 inch screen?) the wheel covers the borders...

2) is it possible to see flags in the many faced dash? And perhaps also see car left car right signs? Thank you!

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Posted by: @daktyl

There is an issue with fuel and lap number calculator. I did last weekend a race that had very big time limit and set amount of laps, and fuel calculator never switched to number of laps - even on last lap with white flag it was showing me I still have 20sth laps to go and all fuel calculation were incorrect

Hi, thanks for the report and sorry for the late answer.
I flipped the lap over time priority in the last update.
I just changed it so it will now try to figure out what limit (time or laps) will come first for sessions with both.
Overwrite both files in your SimHub folder if you want to test it (while SimHub is closed).

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Posted by: @xexets

Hello! I have two questions:

1) I am using a Fire 7 via web interface as dashboard. Is it possible to transmit the Many Faced Dash smaller (ie as if the fire 7 were a 5 inch screen?) the wheel covers the borders...

2) is it possible to see flags in the many faced dash? And perhaps also see car left car right signs? Thank you!

1. The dash will automatically scale up. this would require to edit it and include some borders in to the dash itself. To quickest way would be, for each screen, putting everything in a widget and resizing it.
2. It the "Flags/events lights" setting is enabled in the plugin screen, The flags and cars alongside you are displayed as light/glow on the dash. The car left/right only work with iRacing on the current version. I'll update it so it can work with more games.

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Thank you! Would you mind explaining how to put everything in a widget? Thanks!

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Posted by: @romainrob
Posted by: @xexets

Hello! I have two questions:

1) I am using a Fire 7 via web interface as dashboard. Is it possible to transmit the Many Faced Dash smaller (ie as if the fire 7 were a 5 inch screen?) the wheel covers the borders...

2) is it possible to see flags in the many faced dash? And perhaps also see car left car right signs? Thank you!

1. The dash will automatically scale up. this would require to edit it and include some borders in to the dash itself. To quickest way would be, for each screen, putting everything in a widget and resizing it.
2. It the "Flags/events lights" setting is enabled in the plugin screen, The flags and cars alongside you are displayed as light/glow on the dash. The car left/right only work with iRacing on the current version. I'll update it so it can work with more games.

Thank you. I managed to select all and 'create new widget from selection' - that was easy enough! However for the life of me I cannot find a way to resize the new widget. If I select it (properties show 'this item is a widget, edit widget?) I cannot change the size there. If I 'edit widget' I get only to choose and resize individual items in the widget. Could you please help? (I know this goes way beyond support for this software and I highly appreciate it! thanks.)


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@xexets Use the "AutoSize" property of your widget components to scale them down.

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